More And More Parents Are Calling For “Old School” Discipline In Classrooms

The conversation about discipline in Australian schools is heating up. Parents, teachers, and researchers are all sharing their thoughts on whether traditional methods are effective in dealing with students who misbehave.

A discussion started because the senate looked into how students act in classrooms. They suggested going back to old-school ways of discipline as a good fix. These new rules, which are now used all over the country, focus on teaching kids basic behaviors like how to enter a classroom, sit correctly, and ask questions in a polite way. It’s also recommended that desks be set up in rows facing the teacher to help create a more organized learning space.

Also, students are urged to try ‘super walking,’ which helps everyone move around the school in an organized way. These steps are meant to teach discipline and create a better environment for learning.

Research from the Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO) shows that teachers spend about 20% of their time dealing with disruptive behavior in their classrooms. Dr. Jenny Donavan, the CEO of AERO, pointed out that it’s really important to teach students the right way to behave. She noted that there is a strong link between how students act in class and how well they do in their studies.

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